Boy, 8, shot dead by gunman in San Bernardino classroom had a rare genetic disorder and had survived heart surgery - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Thursday, 13 April 2017

Boy, 8, shot dead by gunman in San Bernardino classroom had a rare genetic disorder and had survived heart surgery

An eight-year-old boy shot and killed along with his teacher in a San Bernardino special-education classroom was born with a genetic condition and had survived heart surgery, a school official said Tuesday.

Jonathan Martinez had Williams syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by learning delays, mild-to-moderate intellectual disabilities and heart problems, according to Dale Marsden, superintendent of the San Bernardino City Unified School District.

But affected children also have 'extraordinary gifts,' including a passion for music and an extremely friendly personality, an expert said.

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Jonathan (pictured) had Williams syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by learning delays, mild-to-moderate intellectual disabilities and heart problems

Karen Smith, 53, (left) was also killed by her estranged husband Cedric Anderson, 53. Jonathan was standing behind her when he opened fire on them 

'By all accounts, Jonathan Martinez was a happy child,' Marsden said at a news conference.

A classmate, Jeffrey Imbriani, 7, said he used to talk and play soccer with Jonathan.

'I know him because one day he just walked up to me and said, "Can we be friends?" and I said, "Yeah," and we've been friends ever since,' he said.

Jeffrey said students got out of their chairs and ran outside with their teacher when they heard gunshots.

'I thought they were firecrackers but then the police started coming and then I realized it was gunshots,' he said.

A classmate, Jeffrey Imbriani, 7, (pictured on Tuesday), said he used to talk and play soccer with Jonathan

'I know him because one day he just walked up to me and said, "Can we be friends?" and I said, "Yeah," and we've been friends ever since,' Jeffrey (pictured), said of Jonathan 

He found out about Jonathan's death when he got home and listened to the news.

'I just felt sad,' Jeffrey said. 'I will think of him as a very best friend.'

Jonathan died at a hospital after being shot Monday in his classroom by the estranged husband of his teacher, Karen Smith, who also was killed. The gunman, Cedric Anderson, then fatally shot himself.

A nine-year-old classmate also struck by gunfire is in stable condition, in good spirits and watching cartoons at a hospital, Marsden said. That boy, whose name was not been released, was expected to recover.

On Tuesday, people pray before placing flowers at a sidewalk memorial to the teacher and student who were shot to death Monday at North Park Elementary School in San Bernardino

The superintendent said the Martinez family wanted to honor Jonathan's memory by getting the word out about Williams syndrome.

It affects about 25,000 people in the United States, according to Terry Monkaba, executive director of the Williams Syndrome Association.

Children with the syndrome can have learning disabilities and heart problems akin to hardening of the arteries, frequently requiring surgery. As they age, people with the disorder also can suffer from kidney and gastrointestinal disorders, anxiety and depression, Monkaba said.

Children with Williams syndrome can be 'overly friendly and endearing,' Monkaba said. 'They prefer to see ... the glass as half-full rather than half-empty. They look for joy. They love people.'

If more people were like those with Williams syndrome, 'there wouldn't be the kind of anger that led that man yesterday to shoot his wife and two children besides. That just wouldn't happen,' she said.

A candlelight vigil was planned for the victims Tuesday evening at North Park Elementary. The school will remain closed until April 16, Marsden said.

The Martinez family has set up a crowd funding website requesting donations to help with funeral expenses.

The school's 520 other children held hands as they were led by teachers across the playground and on to buses to be taken away from the scene 

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