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Monday, 23 January 2017



A call for good governance.

A call for urgent explanation into the reckless economic downturn nationwide.

A call for nationwide protests as we say No to the Executive, No to legislatures, No to judiciary... You have all failed us.

We the people are tired. We can no longer continue with all of you. All your excuses and mistakes are not funny. We do not wish to continue with a system and government that is not working but afflicting the people. We the people of this country not living under the privileges of government allowances and remuneration have now accepted to take the bull by the horn to come out and protest this obnoxious and baseless policies and excuses of the government of the day.

Where are the recovered looted funds?

Why do we still have the executive arms and legislatures still enjoying their salaries and allowances while we hear there's no money to pay workers?

Why do we still see ceaseless power failures with no explanation and hope of getting out of it unlike before?

Why do we keep seeing peace talks in Niger Delta, fulani heardsmen and ipob without any solutions being reached, while the strategies keeps aggravating the people involved as political leaders stage forums to extort funds in the name of addressing their subjects?

Why did we have petrol price rise to 145 for the sake of global oil price crash and removal of subsidy but such price is still being maintained despite significant re-awakening of the oil price from $30/barrel to $56/barrel?

Who is to be held accountable for the sudden and continuous hike in price of commodities in the market, where for the first time in history, Nigeria is suddenly selling kerosene at 400 naira per litre as against 50 naira per litre, diesel at 300 naira per litre as against 100 naira per litre and petrol from 87 naira to 145 naira? Yet maintaining the same systems, environment and maybe a lesser money spending government.

There's need for Nigerians to rise against what is happening in this country having waited patiently for the legislatures that were elected to represent the people all to no avail.

How can there be rise in cost of living all of a sudden and no one is telling us what is actually happening? Not even a single person in power to address the challenges in the various sectors and introduce palliative measures by the government to cushion the effects?

We call on all Nigerians of good conscience to rise against this inhumanity against mankind, dehumanization and heartlesness living in high places piloting the affairs of this country while we're yet to drawn into a deep blue sea.

To this cause, we the masses wish to use this medium to alert ourselves that on the 5th of February, 2017 , there shall be a nationwide massive protest from state to state, local government to local government, ward to ward and kindred to kindred.

For the first time, all Nigerians shall match out of their houses to the streets with placards displaying what displeases you in the Nigeria of today both in the executive, legislatures and judiciary arms of government.

Cars shall carry green leaves to display the unhappiness we the masses have towards the economic uncertainties in Nigeria and the displeasure of hearing of excuses and mistakes here and there in governance.

Nobody said anybody is above resignation if he cannot meet up the yearnings of the people like David Cameron of United kingdom.

We are tired of getting surprises whenever we visit the market and yet no shake up in government spending amidst the dwindling economic reserve. Our governors and top government functionaries keep living flamboyant lifestyle, building mansions and buying up properties abroad at the most expensive locations in the world and they end up going away with it once they identify with government or political party of the day.

Enough is enough.

We have been pushed to the wall, we have reached our crossroads and our last hope before we are drawned in silence without notice is a massive protest and a vote of no confidence on the people we voted to pilot the affairs of our nation.

May we rise to demand a bann on the following:

Security votes of every government functionaries. Why do we spend extra while their security operatives rely on their normal salaries, why even continue this scheme in a dwindling economy as this in Nigeria today?

Oversight functions.

Excessive allowances like health and travelling allowances abroad, etc.

New yearly furniture allowances, rentals and kitchens for government houses, etc...

And the need to start owing governors salaries etc.

The need to stop local government allocations till they start functioning constitutionally.

The need to channel youth empowerment programs towards youth friendly programs such as sports, information technology, entertainment, innovations, inventions and not just agriculture or farming.

We call on state of emergency on power, bad roads, poor governance, dead local government areas, electoral frauds etc.

God help Nigeria as we rise on the 5th of February, 2017.

Long live the people of the federal republic of Nigeria.

Pls pass it on till it gets to over 145million Nigerians suffering from the current hardship that is capable of turning this country into a living hell if nothing is done about it NOW.

Encourage growth, encourage development, encourage stability to all.

Help us to fight with our own voices now.

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