Garlands As Business Amazon, Timi Clark Adds Another Year In Style - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Garlands As Business Amazon, Timi Clark Adds Another Year In Style

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April is a special month for Timi Clark, the chief executive officer, CEO/MD of Exclusif Abuja, a leading hospitality haven located in the nation's capital. It's a special month because this is Clark's birth month and it comes once in a year. And that's why the amiable Exclusif Abuja CEO is rolling out the drums to celebrate another milestone in style. For Clark, it has a story of onwards and upwards only. A woman of special grace, the business amazon running things at the highest level in the Nigerian hospitality industry is a fine example of a woman helped by God. She's synonymous with grace. And God's grace is a constant feature in her life journey both in her business and private life. Everything the young woman of style touches turned to God - winning on all side. Life is good. Obviously, Clark's rise and rise story calls for celebration. And she's set to party hard in company of her friends and loved ones.

Clark's special day comes right after the Ramadan fast. And it's a perfect time to merry and ball while acknowledging God's mercies and the gift called life. As you read, plans are already in top gear for a classy birthday dinner in honour of Clark. Described as a jolly good fellow with no airs even as a daughter of privilege. She's a well-mannered young woman who is best known for her bright personality. Little wonder, she's winning because her heart is pure and genuine.

By every standard, Clark is one new generation of female business amazons shattering the glass ceiling. Her multi-million naira hospitality business is thriving. Not only that, she's equally boosting the Nigerian local economy by creating jobs for hundreds of people in the Federal Capital Territory, FCTA Abuja. Clark is no doubt a gift to humanity. She has carved a niche for herself in the competitive Abuja business landscape. She is not a pushover when it comes to high-profile connections. She mingle in high-profile circles yet humble. That's why she is loved by everyone who is privileged to come in contact with her. An epitome of beauty and brain, Clark is not lacking in the fashion department, too. She never puts a foot wrong when it comes to fashion. Call her a complete package and you won't be wrong. Clark's profile has been on a steady rise. Her business is thriving. She's winning and happy. It's time to party. And Timi Clark is ready to party hard.

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