Eko Electricity Chairman Accused of Cover-Up in Alleged Ghost Worker Fraud - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Eko Electricity Chairman Accused of Cover-Up in Alleged Ghost Worker Fraud

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Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC) chairman, Dere Otubu, is facing accusations of attempting to impede an investigation into alleged ghost worker fraud involving a senior company official. Leaked emails appear to show Otubu interfering with the disciplinary process to protect the Chief Legal Officer, Mrs. Wola Joseph-Condotti.


  • The controversy began with allegations of ghost worker recruitment and fraud against some senior EKEDC staff members.
  • The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) ordered an investigation.
  • EKEDC’s Managing Director, Dr. Tinuade Sanda, reportedly escalated the accusations to Wola Joseph-Condotti, leading to her recall by WPG Limited, her original employer.
  • Otubu, however, allegedly instructed Condotti to disregard the recall and remain with EKEDC.

Emails Reveal Alleged Interference:

  • Leaked emails reportedly show Otubu:
    • Instructing Condotti to ignore the recall notice from WPG.
    • Attempting to alter the terms of reference for the disciplinary committee to potentially implicate the MD.
    • Pressuring the MD to manage the negative publicity arising from the investigation.

Boardroom Battle and Unclear Future:

  • Several board members, including George Etomi and Babor Egeregor, reportedly objected to Otubu’s actions and emphasized following due process.
  • The conflicting directives from NERC and the internal power struggle have created confusion regarding the company’s leadership and its commitment to transparency.
  • The situation remains unresolved, raising concerns about EKEDC’s ability to effectively manage its affairs and combat corruption.

NERC’s Role in Question:

  • The ambiguity in NERC’s communication is said to have contributed to the internal conflict at EKEDC.
  • It remains unclear whether NERC is aware of the alleged attempts to manipulate the investigation.

Next Steps:

  • It is uncertain how long this situation will continue or what actions may be taken to address the allegations and ensure a fair investigation.
  • NERC may need to clarify its position and potentially take further steps to ensure compliance within EKEDC.

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