2020 International Youth Day: High Chief (Dr) Selky Kile Torughedi (Young Shall Grow) Hails Efforts of Nigerian Youths - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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2020 International Youth Day: High Chief (Dr) Selky Kile Torughedi (Young Shall Grow) Hails Efforts of Nigerian Youths

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Gentlemen of the Press,

It has become important for me to address you on this special day, the International Youth Day 2020.

As a youth, i thought it important to address my brothers and sisters on this special day considering the exegencies of our current realities, within the context of the Theme of the 2020 International Youth Day; "Youth Engagement for Global Impact". According to the United Nations, the theme seeks to highlight the ways in which the engagement of young people at the local, national and global levels is enriching national and multilateral institutions and processes, as well as draw lessons on how their representation and engagement in formal institutional politics can be significantly enhanced".

Today is a day of sober reflection by all and sundry who are stewards in the quest to better the lot as youths. It is important to assess the impact we have made as young people in strengthening the unity and progress of our Nation, in the following areas;
1. Security
2. Health
3. Economy
4. Innovation 

1. It is important to appreciate the effort of our security forces in strengthening peaceful coexistence in the midst  of the myriads of security challenges across the country. Majority of these men and women are young people, along with their High Ranking Commanding Officers that gave their best in service to this great Nation in the days of their youth. There is need to conitually support and motivate our security forces to ensure that we maximize our successes and minimize our losses.

I salute youths who have sacrificed their lives as members of our Vigilante Groups, Civilian JTF, Pipeline and Water Ways Security Structures. There has been significant improvement in our security following these efforts, however more needs to be done to consolidate on the successes recorded. More need to be done to protect our rural communities in the North from the activities of wicked and unreasonable bandits, men who kill without reason. 

Also, on the issues of kidnappers who have been on rampage across the country, more can still be done to curb the menace. The various efforts in the South South championed by Youths has added in no small way to the current peace being enjoyed throughout the region. There is need to strengthen the existing partnership with Security Agencies in the region in order to consolidate on the successes recorded so far.

2. In the area of health, the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) has tested the capacity of our health system to the very sense of it. We recognize and appreciate the efforts of our young people who are frontline workers in the fight against COVID-19. The Federal Government AMD the National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) have made significant effort in this regard.  There have been great successes, especially in the number of recoveries in the last few days. I sympathize with those who lost their lives to COVID-19, especially front line workers. I want to use this opportunity to also condole with the families of the former Chief of Staff to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Mallam Abba Lyari, Business Mogul Allah Isa Funtua, former Governor of Oyo State HE Senator Abiola Ajimobi, Late Senator Biruji Kashamu and indeed all Nigerians who lost their lives while battling with COVID-19; may their souls rest in peace.

I want to use this opportunity to encourage organizations and spirited individuals to help motivate young people who are actively involved in battling the dreaded COVID-19. If we unite in support, we will win this war. It is important for us as young people to observe the NCDC COVID-19 Protocol to prevent the unecessary spread of the virus; Use a mask, observe social distancing, wash your hands regularly and use hand sanitizers.

3. In the area of Economic Recovery, it is worthy to state that young people have tried their best to recover their means of livelihoods despite the huge setback suffered as a result of the series of lockdowns instituted by Government to prevent spread. Despite the good intentions, business have been adversely affected. Upon gradual opening up of markets, young people have shown resilience and returned to their attempt to earn a living. However, there is need to focus attention on those who have been unable to recover. Government can extend their economic interventions to cover more young people.

4. A mumber of Young people have participated in innovative attempts leading to various success. The Federal Government has been consistent in recognizing talents that have demomstrated capacity in ensuring that they contribute to the innovative force in the country. I will soon kick start partnership with Government and spirited individuals in recognizing and rewarding such talents.

Finally my dear Brothers and Sisters, we must draw lesson from the journey so far so that we can build on our successes and correct our errors. We will survive this challenge and make history. The remaining few months of 2020 are an opportunity to push the frontiers and achieve as much as much as we can in order to end 2020 in a dynamic way. We must embrace peace and dialogue, which is the only way to forge ahead. We must hold ourselves accountable, we are responsible for ourselves, we are the leaders of today.

Long Live Nigerian Youths
Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
High Chief (Dr) Selky Kile Torughedi (aka General Young Shall Grow), Grand Commander of Nigerian Youths (NYCN), Turakin Matasa (NYAN).

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