She Makes Our Female Kids Serve Her Male Customers Beer, Exposes Them To Rape —Husband - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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She Makes Our Female Kids Serve Her Male Customers Beer, Exposes Them To Rape —Husband

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“She runs a beer parlour and makes our underage female children serve her male customers beer.  These men sometimes become reckless when they are drunk. Our children are no doubt exposed to the danger of being raped when these men are intoxicated.

court beer kids

“She’s also adulterous and dating a man in our neighbourhood.  She calls my bluff any time I threaten to deal with her and tells me to go to court.

“It is true I tell him to go to court. He deals in Indian hemp and descends on me with heavy blows any time I advise him to stop the trade.

“He sold my vehicle without my consent and dared that I complain.”

A man, Olalekan Oyebode had dragged his wife, Arinola Oyebode before Oja Oba/ Mapo Court C Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State, seeking that it stopped their marriage.

Olalekan in his divorce suit claimed that Arinola was troublesome and irresponsible. He added that she was promiscuous and that her escapades were known not only to him, but to people in their neighbourhood.

Olalekan explained that his wife was dating someone in their neighbourhood and that she was often seen in the man’s house.

The plaintiff stated that he moved about in their neighbourhood with dropping shoulders and the head bowed because of the shame the defendant brought him day after day.

He added that his greatest fear was that of their female children who Arinola exposed to rape as she made them attended to her male customers who act silly after getting drunk.

Olalekan told the court his wife had no respect for him and that she would always scorn him any time he threatened to come to court.

Arinola refused to agree to divorce although she stated that she knew her husband did not love her.

She told the court she wanted to stay in their marriage because of their children who were still young and in need of her motherly care.

The defendant added that the plaintiff had no moral justification to condemn her acts.

According to her, his case was that of a pot calling the kettle black.

Arinola went on to tell the court that Olalekan sells Indian hemp.

She added that he was always seeking for an excuse to beat her.

The court president, Chief Ademola Odunade ruling after he had heard both parties pronounced their union dissolved.

He went further to grant custody of their three children to the defendant.

The plaintiff was mandated to give the defendant N15,000 per month for their children’s feeding.

He was also asked to be in charge of their education and health service.

Olalekan was again ordered to give Arinola N3,000 to pack her belongings from his home.

Olalekan in his evidence explained that:  ” All that matters to Arinola is the illicit relationship she’s having with a man in our neighbourhood.

“Arinola has stripped me of honour.  I now walk about in shame because of her promiscuous act.

“Our neighbours daily inform me of Arinola’s escapades with her lover.

“Arinola obviously doesn’t fear me. She will leave home to be with her lover and stay with him for hours. She will then return to fight me for querying her movements.

“My lord, the last time we had an argument, she pushed me.  I fell and almost hit my head on the floor.

“My wife is careless in the way she’s raising our children. I warned her against taking them to her shop but she refused to obey me.

“Arinola runs a beer parlour and would always make our children who are female and underage attend to her male customers.

“I tried to make my wife understand that these children could be sexually abused by these men if drunk but she refused to see reason with me.

“Any time I call my wife’s attention to her wrong or threaten to deal with her, she calls my bluff and ask me to go to court.

“I’m fed up with Arinola. Our union is no more giving me the pleasure I desire. I, therefore, pray that you dissolve it,” Olalekan stated.

Arinola stating her case said: “I enjoyed nothing being yoked to Olalekan for these 10 years and would have readily agreed to divorce but for our children. If I divorce him, our children will suffer the fate of a broken home.

“Olalekan obviously doesn’t love me while he derives pleasure in beating me. We fight almost every day.

“I pushed him the last time we fought because he almost killed me. I pushed him into a nearby chair and not the ground and then took to my heels.

“My husband has painted me black before the court but he’s not better.

“My lord, my husband sells Indian hemp. He supplies it in bulk and has a lot of customers. He has refused to stop this trade despite my warnings. Anytime I advise him against this business, he would deal with me brutally. Olalekan on many occasions will descend heavily on me with punches and beat me till I bleed.

“He sold my vehicle without my consent and dared that I complained. He used the proceeds from it to start a poultry business which eventually failed.

“It is true I always tell him to come to court. I say that whenever he pushes me to the wall,” the defendant concluded.

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