TRUE LIFE: How I Narrowly Escaped From Human Traffickers - Female Undergraduate Explains - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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TRUE LIFE: How I Narrowly Escaped From Human Traffickers - Female Undergraduate Explains

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Photo Credit: Core

A 24-year-old female undergraduate who was a victim of human trafficking has come out to narrate how she escaped from the hands of traffickers who took her overseas for slavery.

For the sake of anonymity we’ll call her Titi,  she recalled how that she traveled to Oman, Nizwa, an Arab country on June 2016 after she lost her parents and had no one to assist her.

“I lost my parents in 2014, after which I tried to assist myself and so I worked with some organisations where I got in contact with these agents. I was convinced of their promises because I was helpless and then I saved enough money to travel out, thinking that change of environment was the best option. The agents convinced me that travelling out was the fastest way to make money, but I ended up being a slave out there”.

“I urge young girls and boys to use this holiday period to learn skills instead of hanging out with bad company,’’ she added.

Titi disclosed that she was remarkably lucky to be back home, adding that she had to go through serious rehabilitation when she got back to Nigeria. She was fortunate enough to meet someone who cared about her situation and decided to help her. This person also linked her to a generous Nigerian Monarch with a charity organization who is currently sponsoring her education at the Open University and her accommodation and feeding.

This vacation period is very delicate because devourers are out there looking for which child they could confuse for their selfish interests. This is the period that child traffickers go out en mass to convince young girls and even boys of a better life through foreign trips,” she said.

“Young boys and girls should not respond to promises of foreign trips if it is not a scholarship programme or you have a relative over there. These are just tricks to send you to foreign countries and use you for slavery of all kinds. It is very terrible out there, and I am sharing my experience because I am lucky to have escaped. So many did not have this opportunity to live and share their ordeal”.

Photo Credit: DiOrio

“This period of long vacation must not be treated with levity by our parents because of evil perpetrators among us. Please, get closer to your children through any means.

“Do not keep them with people you cannot trust, everyone is a suspect, your children should be your uttermost priority before your work,” she advised.

Titi appealed to relevant authorities to check any young lady traveling abroad and to authenticate her mission before she is allowed outside the country, especially during vacations.

Human Trafficking is very real and we all must be very careful. Like, share to others to inform them also. If you have any similar experience or encounter Let us know in the comment section below.

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