How I Survived Boko Haram, Armed Robbery Attack On Okene Auchi Road In Kogi State - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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How I Survived Boko Haram, Armed Robbery Attack On Okene Auchi Road In Kogi State

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I Survived Boko Haram, Armed Robbery Attack On Okene Auchi Road In Kogi State
A fan shared this on Facebook yesterday.
I just had an encounter with Boko Haram/armed robbers about four hours ago along Okene-Auchi road.
I was just going through my phone when I heard a loud sound, I thought it was just tire that burst, for wia, after moving about 20 mins we saw some guys in army uniform with pump action moving towards us menacingly.
The bus at our back overtook us with full speed, perhaps thinking he could dodge those guys. (Tjis thing happened before my very eyes). For no explicable reason, after swerving and swerving, he skidded off the road and sommersaulted into the bush by the road side.
People were shouting, “Driver reverse”!! Lo and behold, from our back came running 4 or 5 guys, some with machete and others with pump action guns.
I knew the show was up. They told us to come down and lie down beside the road.
“Jesus, so this is how people die”, I thought. One of them lighted me one slap I will never forget in a hurry. I just lay down and started thinking about my life.
I started thinking about the family I would have raised, with the kids. Thinking of my TRUE friends, “will they miss me?”, I thought aloud. The man beside me was already having a seizure, making it hard for me to concentrate.
So they started collecting monies, but inexplicably refused to collect phones.
Then came the moment. After the excruciating moments of sober reflections, we heard a thick Fulani accent that said, “oya move one by one towards this place”. I made sure I was among the last, so if they started killing, at least I will savour the last moments of my short life.
“Continue dey waka for ground!”, barked one of them. Thats how we crawled from the main road into the bush. Surely God touched their hearts.
Finally, after waiting for a while inside the bush, we came out. I and some other guys ran to the bus that skidded off the road, about 50 metres from our present location. We noticed the hiace bus didnt have any passengers in it GRATEFULLY. After looking around, we saw the body of a young man, his skull battered, with blood all over him. We solicited support to take him to the hospital, everyone ran away. Till now, it still hurts be that I left a dying man alive.
1. My brother and sister, life is short, make your ways right with God.
2. Talk is cheap, facebook and real life are not the same.
3. There can NEVER be one Nigeria.
4. Those Hausa Fulanis, before God changed their hearts, were targeting Igbos and Christians.
5. Live your life like today will be your last.
6. Don’t wait to experience it before you believe what I have outlined.
7. Relish your present moments, value your friends and especially your family because at the end nothing else will matter.
8. Dont live in the comfort of your home and assume you know what terror is all about.
Thank God I am alive, many more things to achieve. Amen.

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