Senator Godswill Obot Akpabio Be Appointed Senate President By The Will Of God —Bishop Desmond Osazuwa - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Sunday, 9 April 2023

Senator Godswill Obot Akpabio Be Appointed Senate President By The Will Of God —Bishop Desmond Osazuwa

As the country is tilting towards a new democratic dispensation and transition. The Lord has appointed several political stakeholders in several positions without them having an inkling of what will transpire in their political lives.

One of the person is Godswill Obot Akpabio the former Governor of Akwa Ibom State. He has been seen in the spiritual realm heading the Nigerian Senate. This was made known by Bishop Desmond Osazuwa, a man that has been used by God to perform wonders for years has come out and made it clear the position of God on the life of Godswill Akpabio and senate President. He said that the former governor of Akwa Ibom State will be senate President.

Speaking about the revelation, Bishop Desmond Said " I hear the heaven say Congratulations to Godswill Obot Akpabio for him to be senate President. He has been appointed the Senate President and may the will of God be done.

Bishop Desmond Osazuwa address that, "This is a voice from God, in Matthew 6:10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. God said that my counsel shall stand. God spoke to me and said that senator Godswill Akpabio will be the new senate President. Heaven has congratulated him, know this! This was revealed to me on 4th day of April 

Bishop Desmond Osazuwa by the grace of God is popularly known as one of the world best Preacher, a prophet to nations who has taken the Gospel of God to many places of the earth.

Isaiah 46 Vs 10

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’

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