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Thursday, 27 June 2019

CHECKMATE: Your Son May Be Into Drugs

As parents, it is not just important that you keep a close eye on your children, it is your duty.

With having so many things to protect your girl child from, it is possible that the girls receive your undivided attention and the boys are often left to fend for themselves.

This shouldn't be the case, your boys need your attention too, especially when they are transitioning into teenagers and through adulthood.

Many parents think that they are doing a fantastic job and BOOM they are faced with a child who is into drugs, sex, and other vices.

This is because during teenage age,  it easy for them to be pressured into doing wrongful even criminal things by their friends so that they can prove themselves to be valuable members of the group/ clique.

Teenagers are asked to steal, bully, grope girls and sometimes to try drugs.

Most times, when your son has gotten into drugs, they won't come up to you and talk to you about it and prefer to keep it a secret. All you will be able to see is how much your son has changed, but you won't know the reason behind his negative change of behavior.

If you want to be sure that your son maybe into drugs, check out for the following signs:

Unprescribed pills can be found in their rooms. Possession of Marijuana is an obvious sign that they are using, but pills are a bit confusing. If you want to know if the pills are prescribed or not, look for the symbol on the pill. Something marked OP will likely be OxyContin, for example. Identify the pill and see what comes up. After that ask your son.

Odd smells are another giveaway of drug use. You could smell marijuana and weed whenever you pass their room.

Paraphernalia for using drugs. Papers for rolling weed and tin boxes. In order cases, it can be a syringe and a burnt teaspoon.

Changing grades. If your smart son suddenly starts doing badly, he might be using. But a change in grades can be caused by other factors, so find out what the true reason is before chalking it down to drug use.

Glazed eyes and facial expressions may be a sign of addiction. Though, teenagers and twenty-somethings find it harder to communicate with their parents.  But if your kid starts looking high all the time then it is possible that he is getting high.

Abandoning friends is quite common throughout the teenage years, but it could have a more sinister implication. If your kid suddenly abandons his old friends and instead starts hanging out with a different crowd who smokes and does drugs, his reason for doing that may be linked to drugs.

Losing interest in social activities is another potential sign of drug abuse. Again, interests change throughout your kid’s formative years, so tread lightly. It might just be related to a change of tastes.

Not being forthcoming with answers to questions of where he has been can sometimes be linked to drugs. Of course, it could also be that he is dating someone he doesn't want you to know about.

Changes in behavioral patterns are quite common with kids who take drugs.  If your kid is jittery in the morning and suddenly calmer in the evening, he or she could be taking drugs.

True,  you can only control your son so much, and since you don't go out with him, you can't be held responsible for the choices he made outside, but you can control how he behaves at home. 

Do well to keep checkmate your son so that he doesn't stay long in the hands of drug abuse. And get him help from a therapist, so that he can come out of it.

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