Adedayo's Appointment Was An Unforced Error - Kurtis Adigba - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Monday, 24 June 2019

Adedayo's Appointment Was An Unforced Error - Kurtis Adigba

Friend: Kurtis, you have not said anything about the Festus Adedayo hiring by Lawan, president of the Senate. 

Me: What is there to say that has not been said?

Friend: Please say something. I checked your timeline hoping to see something different. 

Me: I don't believe that being critical of the government is disqualifying from serving in the government. 

But I believe that there's a thin line between being critical of government policies and attacking the  people in government in direct and personal terms.

If you don't believe in the reality of the president, and his competence and abilities, why accept to serve in his government, even if it is in another arm of the government?

Festus Adedayo, in my humble view, went overboard in attacking the president and other leaders of the APC. He should have rejected the approach and gloated over it to show us that he truly believes the things he said about the president and his government. He didn't because he wanted to be a prince in a kingdom that didn't exist in his mind.

Opinion | The Real Sin Of Festus Adedayo

Festus Adedayo, may have lifted a page from FFK's playbook. FFK, viciously attacked Obasanjo in 1999, soon after he became president.  He kept at it,and at a point, called him, Lucifer.

 Shortly after, Obasanjo hired him as SSA Public Affairs.  But this was in 1999 when Social media was nonexistent and internet penetration was lower. It was much more difficult to dig out people's digital footprints. Today, it is easier to find out things about people with just a click of buttons. FKK succeeded, Festus failed, or so it is looking.

Now, was Lawan and his handlers ignorant about Festus Adedayo's past, or just ambivalent- it didn't matter?

Both situations are troubling. They speak to the often talked about insularity and insensitivity of our public officials to the feeling of their supporters.

 The appointment of Mr Adedayo as CPS to the president of the Senate is insulting to the sensibilities of the supporters of the APC. It should never have happened. 

President of the Senate, Lawan may have hired him on the recommendation of some PDP senators; current and past,in pursuit of his one Senate moniker. 

My dear PS, "one Senate" is great,and can be attained in the pursuit of common goals for the country and people,but it is not be achieved by handing over a key office in your administration to an "established enemy combatant" like Mr Festus Adedayo. His appointment is an unforced error,and must never happen again. 

Friend, these are my thoughts.

Kurtis Adigba is a lawyer and Political commentator.

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