5 Leadership Traits To Learn From The Bible - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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5 Leadership Traits To Learn From The Bible

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Being a leader means defining and exhibiting moral and ethical courage and setting an example for everyone in the company. Being a leader forces you to analyze your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of the company, and enables you to develop a good sense of reality. ‘Leadership is influence,’ writes John Maxwell, every Christian is called to be a leader in the sense that other people will look to you as an example. You have influence over others in different ways. To be called by God to influence others is an enormous privilege, but it carries with it great responsibility. below are leadership traits we can learn and develop.


A good leader has to have confidence, not only self-confidence but confidence in God in order to be able to lead will. With Gods confidence, he is able to stand on the promises of God when/while fighting adversaries, pains, criticising and getting along well with. David, Solomon, Jesus, The 12 Disciples are perfect examples of leaders who exhibited Confidence.


Character And Integrity

Another valuable traits are character and integrity, Jesus attacks the religious leaders of his day with strong languages, they were authorized to act as judges and leaders but instead, they live in affluence and used their positions to acquire more wealth. Unlike David, Solomon and the disciples whose distinct character brought to them respect, worthy mentions and also wealth.

Vision And Focus

Leaders should have a big vision. Jesus attacks the small-mindedness and pettiness of the religious leaders.  Concentrate on the important issues, pray for God’s vision, and don’t be sidetracked. Ask God to give you a vision that is so big that without him it is impossible. Focus on what really matters Avoid getting caught up with minor details and becoming legalistic. Fight against injustice, champion the poor, and demonstrate ‘faithfulness’ in your relationships with your family and others.


Humility And Compassion

Jesus warns against loving titles, wealth and recognition, always seek to exalt Jesus, rather than yourself. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Leaders need to have the opposite spirit but one that is open and welcoming to everyone.



This is the opposite of the greed and self-indulgence, which Jesus decries in fact almost everyone who lived a lavish and wasteful life were punished. Jesus was so concerned about greed and self-indulgence that he had to call out the Pharisees and Sadducees. Their inner life is so different from the outer life. Jesus calls you to be yourself, for the inside to be like the outside

These are extremely high standards and very hard to attain. Don’t use your position to berate others or get overwhelmed in your position to the point that you misbehave and trample on others.

Do share other leadership traits you feel is worthy of mention in the comment in the box below.

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