5 Easy Ways To Make Money As a Student - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Tuesday, 25 June 2019

5 Easy Ways To Make Money As a Student

Being in school and working to make some extra cash isn’t easy. Working and chasing a degree seems impossible, but it isn’t. You can carry out your regular school activities and still make some money on a side if you combine the ‘RIGHT’ job with school work. You can already guess where I’m going with this. That’s right! Today I bring to you 5 ways any Nigerian student can make money. Surely, you’ll find something that suits you.

Freelance Writer


Source: Business News Daily

If you know how to articulate your thoughts into writing and create great content then this might be your thing. You can use your writing skills to make money on platforms such as Scooper, Fiverr and Upwork 

Make Money With Instagram

Source: AdEspresso

Many people don’t even know they can make money on Instagram. When you get a large number of following real people, you can definitely make money. Either by building accounts and selling them or through sponsored posts and ads. You can also use your accounts to promote products and earn a commission on them as an affiliate.

Graphic Design

Source: chron.com

Many people are really ignorant about this field, graphic design. You can’t blame them though, anybody can install Photoshop and CorelDRAW these days and calls himself or herself a graphics designer. Then they charge their Customers a very ridiculous amount of money for a very ridiculous Job. Please don’t be like them! Graphics design isn’t just about knowing how to draw shapes and symbols with graphics design software but more about the creativity behind the design.

There are graphic designers earning as high as N150,000 every month here in Nigeria. They work for digital agencies such as Cregital, Anakle to mention just a few. You can also use your graphic design skills to make money on freelancing platforms.

Make More Money With YouTube By Creating Videos

Whenever it comes to the best online video broadcasting the first word arrives in our mind is YOU-TUBE. It is the most used online video streaming website which is only one to rank among the top 10 websites. So if you want to make money, YouTube is an ideal place for you. You can create Video Tutorials, video blogging and can monetize it with Adsense. You will be paid not only for ad clicks but also for your video views. But to earn money with it is to become Partner with YouTube which is the only problem for those who have no partnership program available in their country.

Create a Blog and Start Blogging

source: chron.com

Well, the easiest way to earn money is to entertain others by creating a blog. You can start your blog on any specific niche which you like mainly i.e. Make money online, Blogger, WordPress, Designing and etc. But once you start blogging you must need to wait for 2 to 3 months to get the attention of the audience. This is the only reason why new bloggers get dishearten due to no audience and hence stop blogging. So whenever you start a blog no matter if you get any audience in the first few months do not stop blogging. Post at least one post per day, publishing multiple posts per day will multiply the chances of getting audience attention, heck you stand a chance of becoming another lindaikeji or even the next bella9ja.

Did we miss any point, feel free to drop a comment in the box below.

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