Fashola Oladapo Olayinka Aspires To Become Member House of Assembly Ogun State - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Fashola Oladapo Olayinka Aspires To Become Member House of Assembly Ogun State

Fashola Oladapo Olayinka aspiring to become member, House of Assembly representing Isokan State Constituency in Ogun West in the upcoming general election in 2019.

Meet the Ogun State House of Assembly Aspirant

Hear him, “Part of my manifesto apart from making laws is to ensure that my constituency will get part of what is due to them in total. I will also better the lives of the youths, women and elders and ensure that there will be employment for everybody.

“What is going on about Ogun state and our constituency is not new to us. We have got to be well represented. We need a fair representation whereby the need of this constituency will be handled, addressed and brought to the focal point. I know that I cannot do it alone. I want to count on your support and assistant. That is why I am here today. And like I said, this is just the beginning.

“I want to bring to the notice of people in my constituency my intention to contest for the position of House of Assembly. And I also want to solicit your support. Some of us may say who is this man? I am a full grown man of this community. Most elders here are quite aware of my person.
“I did not just come from outside. I have been part and parcel of the people. But the truth is that I have not been in politics. Reason being that the coast had not been cleared. When I say the coast had not been cleared is because when you want to do something you look at the platform that befit you. Also, the Bible says in the book of Ecclesiastics that “There is time for everything”. I believe this is the time for me. By the grace of God, ' politics disclosed, These are forth rightness, fair play and the love and drive to ensure that the welfare of the masses are taking care of.

He, however, enjoined people of his constituency to vote him out of office if he did not fight against corruption when he eventually gets into the House of Assembly.

“In Nigeria, we celebrate corruption instead of fighting it. If we fight against corruption, it will not last. For instance, if I am representing you in the House of Assembly and there is the issue of corruption and I did not fight against it, you have the right to withdraw me from the House. This is because it is your vote that put there. I am not talking about the one that involve me, I am even talking about my not speaking out against corruption as a member of the House,”

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