As a successful adult, I could join my contemporaries to say the usual slogan "Youths are the leaders of tomorrow" but I have since seen that line as a "Statement of Slavery" it has kept the average youth at the basement of hopelessness.
As a Nigerian an Ogun state indigene this conversation is deeply personal to me. The status of the youth in Ogun state is very personal to me.
Leadership is about creating new traditions that honours the dignity and humanity of every individual; leadership is about empowering all of our people, girls, boys, women and men to fulfil every last bit of their GOD given potential.
And when we commit to that kind of leadership across the country, that is when we truly start making progress in Nigeria. That is when family in small villages around the state would start demanding for equal opportunities for them selves.
My story is the story of a mother's firm believe in the future of her son, the story of the impossible getting done, and I know that can be your story and Ogun state story too, I had career opportunities beyond my wildest dream, Believe me that I am who I am today because of my mother who believed in me and encouraged me.
Like the title of the book of a Nigerian Author, Adaobi Nwaubani,
“I do not come to you by chance”.
Youths of Ogun state, I do not come to you by chance! I come to you because the time is ripe.
Like the popular saying,
"When good men keep quiet, Evil men will triumph"
I come to you with a clarion call for all the good youth of Ogun state, to speak out now, and let’s join hands to deliver our state, I come because the agenda has been set.
I come to you because the time has come when it is no longer about me but about us and what we can do for the state together.
I come to you because the time has come when we have to move forward together, collectively, to take our dear State to the Promised Land; collectively, without segregation,
I said collectively because we owe ourselves a duty; to right the ills of the past, to put a tick where there have been crosses. To bring smiles back to our faces, confidence back into our hearts, pride back into our homeland and strength and character back to our shoulders.
Don't complain if you can't fix it, don't clamour for change if you can't bring it. Of what use is an opportunity if it's wasted?
Of what significance is a vision not appropriately pursued and achieved.
There can be no elections without voters, as there can be no voters without registration. We've all heard the promises and watched them get broken - charlatans who retreated to their havens after serving their pockets will never bring the desired change.
Ours is a state dominated by youths, and since we are still living with the consequences of the actions and inaction of the generation before us, should we also refuse to do something about the current pitiable state of things and let our children blame us as we blame our parents?
If we truly want change, then NOW is the time. NOW is the time to take back what is ours and elect true leaders who will be responsible and accountable. NOW is the time to show that we are tired of having tyrants imposed upon us. NOW is when we, as youth and women of Ogun State and Nigeria, must come together as one to defy tyrants, inspire the on-lookers to get active, and put betrayers where they belong... their parlours; by making sure our voices are heard; by
Refusing to register and subsequently to vote, has only one implication- that we have agreed to have no part in choosing our representatives, and that they, in turn, have every right to oppress us.
It is generally agreed that an association which is parasitic and not symbiotic should and must be stopped FAST.
The only way to put an end to the era of do-or-die politics which is now the norm in Nigeria and Ogun State is therefore, just a thumb-print away.
Your vote, however, should be cast for a responsive and responsible government. Your vote should be cast for a true leader- one with vision, humility, honesty, integrity, character, and commitment to social contracts, who will see the people of Ogun State as his strength and re-brand this great state of ours in a way that is both acceptable and beneficial.
I have seen the FUTURE if only we can all work together to get there...
The Youth will speak, the Women will RISE! And our voice will be heard! I have brought my Leadership Pen and I am to write a Positive and Great History for my good state.
We can do this together.
God bless us all
Otunba Abayomi Odunowo
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