In a deeply disturbing incident in Ibadan, a 14-year-old boy named Malik Kareem was beheaded in a ritual killing allegedly orchestrated by three of his friends and an Alfa. Malik, who had just completed his final West African Examinations, had gone to meet the Alfa alongside his friends, unaware that they had plotted to use him as a sacrifice.
According to reports, a concerned individual who overheard the boys discussing their ritual plans quickly alerted Malik’s family. Despite their swift response, the family arrived at the Alfa’s residence too late. The Alfa and Malik’s friends he already fled the scene, taking Malik’s head and leaving behind his lifeless, headless body.
Sources close to the family revealed that the Alfa had reportedly told the boys that Malik’s head would be burned, and the ashes mixed with pap, which they were to consume daily in order to become wealthy. This tragic incident took place on Saturday in Ibadan.
As of now, the whereabouts of the Alfa and the three friends are unknown, and they remain at large. Authorities are actively investigating the case.
This version is structured for publication, providing clear and concise information while maintaining a formal tone.
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