NANS Asks Governor Abiodun To Probe Education Ministry, Pays Bursary To Indigenous Students - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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NANS Asks Governor Abiodun To Probe Education Ministry, Pays Bursary To Indigenous Students

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The National Association of Nigerian Students NANS, Ogun State axis lead by Comrade Bamgbose Tomiwa has written an open letter to the executive governor of Ogun State, Prince Dapo Abiodun demanding payment of bursary to indigenous students, decried state of roads in Ogun State and others. 

Tomiwa, said the governor should immediately start the probing process of the 2019 Budget allocation to the Ministry of Education Science and Technology, this will help know the Details and how to Kickstart the clarity/probe on why such amount of money is Presented but we are still in a state of Comatose.

Below is the excerpt: 



Dear Governor Dapo Abiodun MFR, Your Excellency, it is with great pleasure as partners in Nation Building particularly Ogun State that the Apex and Largest Pressure force in Ogun State, National Association of Nigerian Students NANS OGUN JCC has deem it fit to write and bring to your notice the areas particularly in the educational sector which need drastic revamping and re-organization.

National Association of Nigerian Students NANS OGUN JCC is the Apex body for all Nigerian Students schooling in Ogun State, it is the highest organization and body to reckon with regarding issues partaining students interest.

Your Excellency, We won't be ungrateful to appreciate you for the timely intervention on the controversy between MAUSTECH and Ogun Polytechnic, this is a Giant Stride and we won't look away like it worth not talking about.

Your Excellency, we won't have deem it fit to write you if not that there have been series of letter sent to the office of the Secretary to Ogun State Government on 26th of September 2019 and Chief of Staff respectively but is yet to receive any response.

Firstly Your Excellency, We are passionately asking that subventions which is disbursed to state owned institutions should be increased from the present amount to a more realistic amount, this will help the various institutions to drastically use those funds in the rehabilitation and restructuring of the decaying state of various Institutions.

Secondly, Your Excellency, at present, there is no Motorable Road that leads to any State owned Tertiary Institution, is it the devastating and ridiculous state of roads that leads from Ala down to Omu-Eleni where the Tai-Solarin College of Education is situated, or is it the Sickening roads that leads from Imaweje to Tai-Solarin University of Education situated at Ijagun, or the Degrading state of the Iyana Oloke road down to Moshood Abiola Polytechnic main Campus at ojere, e.t.c. Sir, it is a reasonable idea and move if those roads are done as this will smoothen the educational activities of each institution.

Sir, Without good roads, Educational Impartation will be hard and mostly not achievable as the only means to migrate down to the citadel of learning is crippled by roads that are death traps to the lives of Nigerian Students.
We strongly believe that the Looming Calamitous Implosion rocking our roads is not the goal of your Administration.

Thirdly, there is a need for the State Government to look into ways on how to empower State Owned Institutions security officials and Police Officers attached to any Campus vicinity.

This will help in curbing crimes, cultism and other vices.

Fourthly, There is a need for establishment of tech-hubs in most of our Polytechnic, this will fasten the growth and development of technology in most of our Institutions.

In Addition, The need for the payment of Ogun State Students Bursary is also a matter of neccesity.

Your Excellency, The leadership of NANS in Ogun State with Student Union Presidents of various Institutions met you when you were the Governor Elect, part of those things mentioned was bursary which you assuredly said you will pay, it is shocking to us that after your swearing in, there hasn't been any move to pay up the bursary.

Sir, We are Imploring you take the matter of bursary payment important as the leadership of this Association major core concern is the payment of the Individual Right of every Ogun State Students.

We also Discover that the Ogun State Government representative regarding the Student Body is basically lacking and it is Sacrosanct for us to call Your attention to the appointment of the Senior Special Adviser and Special Adviser on Student matters respectively.

The Constitution of the above offices is Important as it will help the Smooth liason of the Student Association and the State Government.

We Implore the State Governor to diligently select Former Student Union Leaders of credible character in to those offices respectively, also the National Association of Nigerian Students NANS Ogun JCC will submit names of credible Individuals to the State Secretary very soon, this will also help the Governor to select from them.

Finally there is a need for rehabilitation of our various Institutions Clinic and Medical Center, as we type this, the various Medical Centers in our Tertiary Institutions is nothing to write home about, no drugs, injections and poor Funding.


We are aware that Town Hall Meetings has been holding on the proposed 2020 Budget, in respect to this, UNESCO budgetary allocation on Education states that 26% of the total budget should go into Education, also your Predecessor, the former Governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun while presenting the 2019 Budget allocated 22% to Education which is 88.579bn although we didn't see it Reflecting fully on the Educational sector but NANS is asking the Ogun State Governor to give a far larger percentage of the state budget to the restructuring, reorganizing and revamping of the Educational sector in the State which will project his administration far better than his Predecessor, obviously that's the goal of Democracy.

In Addition, We urge The Ogun State Government under Governor Dapo Abiodun MFR to immediately start the probing process of the 2019 Budget allocation to the Ministry of Education Science and Technology, this will help know the Details and how to Kickstart the clarity/probe on why such amount of money is Presented but we are still in a state of Comatose

That the State Government under Governor Dapo Abiodun MFR should within 72hrs inaugurate a committee that will see to the Payment and disbursement of bursary to Ogun State Students and also the bursary meant for Ogun State Students (Law Students and Medical Students). Sir, Your Counterpart in OYO State, His Excellency Seyi Makinde just payed his, he recently paid #500,000 to Every Law Students, emulating someone like that will be Wonderful.

Within 72hrs, we are demanding that the State Government should setup a committee that will look into the building of Hostels of our State Owned Institutions, this will help in curbing crimes, high rate of cultism, reduce high cost of accomodation outside the school premises, increase in IGR of our various institutions. It will all be a joke if the Governor can borrow money from his friends to pay dues in Ogun State and such State with the highest number of institutions in Nigeria has no singular hostel in any State owned institutions, You will agree with us that it doesn't potray the Greatness embedded in the Educational sector of Ogun State and this is not a way of Building our Future Together.

We demand that the security vehicles and motorcycles lying down opposition the Ogun State Governor office should be immediately handed over to the Ogun State Command of the Nigerian Police force and most Importantly to Police Stations attached to Students environment, this will help curb the high level of robbery and crimes in and out of our institutions.

We demand that in 72hrs the State Government under Governor Dapo Abiodun MFR should constitute a committee which will comprise of Government officials and NANS Ogun JCC officials in filing out credible Individual who will fill in the office of the Senior Special Adviser and Special Adviser to the Governor on Student Affairs/Matters.

If within 72hrs our Demands are not attended to, we won't hesitate to use any means within the confine of the Law and the Existing traditions of NANS to get our Demands.

Ogun State Educational sector is the Bane behind the future of a the Gateway State, and we won't be reluctant to save it.

Secretary to the Ogun State Government.

Speaker Ogun State House of Assembly.

Permanent Secretary Ogun State Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

All Student Union Notice Board in Ogun State.

All Media Houses



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