BUSTED!! Police Uncover Shocking Amount Of Cocaine On Brazilian President's Convoy To G20 Summit - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Friday, 28 June 2019

BUSTED!! Police Uncover Shocking Amount Of Cocaine On Brazilian President's Convoy To G20 Summit

Suitcases packed full of cocaine have been discovered among the entourage traveling with the Brazillian President Jair Bolsonaro to the G20 summit which officially started Friday in Osaka, Japan.

A Brazilian military plane was said to be making a stopover in Seville, Spain, on Tuesday before heading to the G20 summit when the Spanish police discovered drugs of approximately 39 kilograms.

Reports showed that one airman identified by the Brazillain television network as 38-year-old Sgt. Silva Rodrigues has so far been detained in connection to the matter, CNN reports.

The officer was “suspected of transporting narcotic substances,” which prompted officials to search the plane, the Brazilian Defence Military said in a statement.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s plane at Osaka Airport ahead of the G20 summit (Reuters)

“We are investigating the facts and are launching a military police inquiry,” the military police said.

At the time, President Jair Bolsonaro was aboard a separate plane, reportedly traveling ahead of the one in question. Military personnel were traveling with the president as protection.

In a tweet, Bolsonaro confirmed he had been briefed on the arrest and called the incident “unacceptable.”

He called for an “immediate investigation and severe punishment.”

Brazilian vice-president Hamilton Mourao later told reporters in Brasilia, Brazil that the officer suspected of carrying the drugs was expected to join the president’s plane after the stopover in Spain to be on hand for their arrival in Japan, according to Reuters.

He called the airman a “well-qualified (drug) mule.”

“Obviously, given the quantity of the drug he was carrying, he didn’t buy it on the corner and bring it, right?” Mourao said.

The suspect is reportedly being held without bail in Spain.

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