Relationships, as much as you want them to last forever, rarely do.
All you need to do is look around you to get the idea of how relationships crash and burn. But the beauty of it is that; as one burns, others rise from the ashes. When a relationship ends, it is not the end of the world, and no matter how much it hurts, there are some reactions that are unhealthy and should be avoided.
No matter how badly it ended or how much it stings, no matter how your ex treated you, how they broke up with you, or how quickly an ex seems to move on, there are still some ways you should not react to them.
Relationships, as much as you want them to last forever, rarely do. [Credit - Shutterstock]
When a breakup happens, here are five things you should never do:
1. Stalk them
Whether in real life or on social, stalking an ex is not something you want to do. Staying off them in real life may be easy. It is the social media part that may be a little difficult.
Moving on in the age of Instagram and Facebook can feel like an impossible task. Which is why, post-breakup, your ex's profiles should remain off-limits. To keep you from wandering away from your feed and onto their page, it is advisable to block them. Don’t even remain friends with them on social media.
No point stalking someone you are trying to get over [Credit - Love Panky]
2. Deny it
You need to come to grips with what has happened. If she has said it expressly that she is no longer interested in being with you and if she has clearly said that she is not interested in being in the relationship with you anymore, you need to accept that the end of the relationship has truly come, rather than trying to live in denial or pretend that what’s happening is not happening.
3. Stop loving yourself
Even if a partner gives up on you and the relationship, you should not give up on yourself. So keep taking care of yourself, don’t stop loving yourself. Continue eating healthy, visiting the gym, drinking loads of water, paying attention and sticking to all of your healthy practices. Self care is so, so important whether or not you have a partner.
At the very least, the sense of accomplishment will give you a boost of confidence, which is something you need more than ever right now.
Don't stop living your life just because of a bad breakup [Credit - Shutterstock]
4. Rebound relationship
Don’t jump into another relationship from the get-go simply because you need something to distract you from the pain of the breakup.
Not only does the rebound relationship have a slim chance of success, but it will also likely extend the time of healing for you.
You want to take your time and deal with the hurt and pain for good, rather than trying unhealthy ways that will only cause more problems in the long run.
5. Pay back
Don’t release those nude pictures on Facebook. It’s actually a crime to do so. Don’t reveal their secrets on Twitter either. Just move on from the situation and hope for the best.
That the relationship eventually didn’t work does not mean that every moment spent in it was a waste.
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