4 Reasons Side Chicks Have A Better Life Than Main Chicks - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Monday, 24 June 2019

4 Reasons Side Chicks Have A Better Life Than Main Chicks

1. They don’t have to deal with a man’s negative side

The man that side chicks know is probably very different from what the main chick knows. 

They don’t really get into arguments with the man because they don’t get too serious. They have no expectations from the man so they live a simpler life.

2. The are never too attached because they know they can be left

They don’t stress the man because they don’t love the men enough. She knows that he can live at any time so why should she keep nagging him? He therefore keeps chasing her because men love chasing what they can’t keep or have.

3. They are taken care of for something in return

A side chick knows she is a side chick so at the end of the day it is clear that she knows her place. She knows exactly what the man wants from her and he knows what he needs to do to keep her around.

4. They don’t have to be there for a man’s family and negative side

She is not burdened with the responsibility of doing anything serious apart from entertaining him. She doesn’t have to meet his family or even be there for him during his financial problems while the main chick obviously has to.

It does sound crazy. However, it’s just to say that some men don’t seem to appreciate what they would consider as their strength. Being able to meet his family and sleeping with him every night is not enough. He needs to treat you like the only one and nothing less than that.


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