Posted by Solanke Taiwo Teemoney
Our strategy is simple we take our strength from the bottom up give power back to the people where it belongs and strive on gender equality.
To start protem leaders would be appointed that will serve for a max of 6 months before proper elections would be held by all registered YCM members
All members when fully registered will have registered with proper biometric data capturing device and they will be issued I'd cards at a cost of N1000 and there after they will pay a monthly members administration fee of N200.
To be nominated as contestant under the group you need to be a fully registered member and request to the YCM officially that you have intentions of contesting under our Group and go to the group website when ready to download the intent form and attach all the copies of your certificate and your profile. Once submitted you should get and acknowledgment with two weeks in this acknowledgment they will provide you details of your processing fees and indicate where you will pay this too.
After payment you will get a response from the YCM if you can go ahead with other things towards contesting under our Group and if not the reasons why. This result you will get within three months..
YCM Meetings Only on Sundays
State meetings 2.00pm first Sunday of the month
Senatorial meetings 2.00 pm second sunday of the month
Local government meetings 3.00 pm third sunday of the month
Ward meetings 4.00 pm fourth sunday of the month
Zones/unit meetings 4.00pm first sunday of the month
The Group is to be advised by the consultative advisory council (CAC) at all levels
Criteria to be a member of Consultative Advisory Council (CAC)
1. Educational Qualification
2. Character (Must be some one of unquestionable Character in the community)
3. Must be committed to community empowerment and development
4. Must be committed to the YCM and YCM constitution
5. Must abide by the YCM constitution.
Criteria to be Chair person
1. Educational qualification
2. Character (Must be some one of unquestionable Character in the community)
3. Must be committed to community empowerment and development
4. Must be committed to the YCM and YCM constitution
5. Must abide by the YCM constitution.
6. Must be a financial member
Criteria to be leader (Youth, Woman Leader etc)
1. Educational qualification
2. Character (Must be some one of unquestionable Character in the community)
3. Must be committed to community empowerment and development
4. Must be committed to the YCM and YCM constitution
5. Must abide by the YCM constitution.
6. Must be a financial member
Organization of our YCM structure.
1. The Zone/unit Structures (8)
A. Chairman
B. Deputy Chairman (Woman Leader)
C. Secretary
D. Finance and fund raiser
E. Mobilization Youth
F. Mobilization Women
G. Mobilization Men
2. Ward Structures (7)
A. Chairman
B. Deputy Chairman (Woman Leader)
C. Secretary
D. Finance/ Fund Raiser
E. Public Relations & Branding
F. Organizing
G. Membership Management
3. Local Government Structure (7)
A. Chairman
B. Deputy Chairman (Woman Leader)
C. Secretary
D. Group Management
E. Strategy
F. Monitoring and evaluation
G. Auditor
Meetings: all Group meetings must be held at weekends, sundays with the following agenda
a.opening prayers( representing both islam and christians)
b.reading and adoption of minutes of previuos meeting
d.matters of the day members list and membership fees
f.week programs situation of the group
Joining the Group
Junior member
Junior membership shall be from ages 10 to 17. Must get approvals from parent and or guardian in writing
Regular member
Membership of this class would be from ages 18 and above must have a valid voter card to be a member and must abide by the financial requirements of membership
Contesting under the Group umbrella
Depending on position. Starting from councellor must get a character reference from ten (10) people listed below
1. The Oba or baale of the ward
2. The Top christian cleric of the community
3. The top Muslim cleric of the community.
4. The top religious traditional person in that community
5.The market woman leader of that community (iya Oloja)
6.One (1) top legitimate business man in that community.
7. One (1) top business woman in that community
8. Leader of community youth organization
9. Leader of the teachers association in that community
10. Leader of the road and transport association of the community ( all the groups including okada)
This amongst all things must indicate that candidates is of unquestionable character within the ward or community.
If position is more than a ward he must get character references as indicated above covering the whole area in multiples of 10 per ward. where he is contesting.
No aspirant shall fund any elections once chosen by the Group.
The group shall fund all elections of a financial member that have fulfilled all the criteria of group to emerge group flag bearer in all levels and no person is required to lure people with money, anybody that does that will be disqualified. Every aspirant will be giving a level playing ground.
Funding of the Group
Group members subscription
Group memorabilia
Institutional funding.
Event organizing
Publicity strategy
1. Social propaganda
2. Rural women Empowerment
3. Rural youth empowerment
4. Ward personality identification
5. Local Business forum
6. Monthly Event organizing
7. Rural loan provision.
Entry strategy.
1. Appoint four leader/elders per local government as CAC for local Government
2. Identify and select local government financiers there role simply is to fund the group in that local government in exchange for business Favour in there areas of specialization
3. Setup youth organization across every ward with representation in each units and zones of the ward with particular emphacy on youth empowerment.
4. Introduce various sports competition to engage the youths
5. organize youth development lecture every month across the local governments
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