NEWS FLASH : Buhari ’ s doctors have advised him to resign as Nigeria ’ s President - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Thursday, 26 January 2017

NEWS FLASH : Buhari ’ s doctors have advised him to resign as Nigeria ’ s President

President Muhammadu Buhari has been advised by his doctors to resign from office as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria , LeadersNG can exclusively reveal .

A member of the President’ s family , who preferred not to be named, stated that the nature of the President’ s illness is such that his doctors believe will prevent him from
effectively carrying out his official duties . His doctors are said to have advised him to consider resigning and focusing his attentions on his health.

Our source was unable to say what the nature of the President’ s illness is or at what hospital the President is receiving treatment .

The President travelled on Jan 19 th, 2017 to see his doctors in the United Kingdom, his third such trip to the country in the last 11 months . The official announcement of his trip stated that his vacation would last 10 days and he would resume work on February 6 th, 2017.
However, a simple glance at the calendar reveals that he will be away for several days more than the contained in the announcement .

More details to Come .

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