Advantages Of The Early Crash Of MMM - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Sunday, 22 January 2017

Advantages Of The Early Crash Of MMM

According to a reader,
Just imagine MMM still playing for another one year, the kinds of havoc it could have wrecked on the economy and the people would be simply catastrophic
. It will range from micro and small businesses closing up on large scale, to serious widespread depression, suicides, high blood pressure, hypertension, marriage breakups, large scale
dropouts at higher institutions and parents withdrawing their kids to less standard schools, to rise in general poverty level coupled with the current economic recession.
This is because the longer MMM stay around, the more more people get involved, and the more people become greed and put huge amounts of money into it individually.
Thanks to the operator for applying the break on time, the Association of Concerned Good Citizens of Nigeria is grateful.
Imagine if all these people with N500k and above in MMM had decided to partnership with the people who business ideas (but lack start up capital) to start micro, small and medium scale
I hope the lesson was learnt until another ten years to come.

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