5 Steps To Overcome Pornography Addiction - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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5 Steps To Overcome Pornography Addiction

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Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is causing psychological and physical harm.

People could be addicted to different things like drugs substances or even pornography.

Unfortunately, access to these things is quite easy making even harder.

Pornography addiction might seem way out of place but there are people who are addicted to pornography.

How do you realise you are addicted to pornography?

-Viewing it during social hours/gatherings or even workplace

-Viewing it brings feelings of depression, guilt or shame

- Insistent viewing even after realizing negative effects

- Keeping porn secret from one’s partner

- Trying, failing then losing the will to quit

If with these red flags you realise you might be addicted to pornography, these steps should help you overcome it.


1)          ACCEPTANCE

The best thing you could do for yourself is, to be honest with yourself. Self-deception leads to self-destruction.

Accept that you have a problem otherwise you will obviously reject help.

Each time you deny your addiction, you will fall back into it.

Do not trivialise it.

Own the guilt and shame you feel; and use it as your fuel to get better, only then can you move forward.

2)          SEEK HELP

Talk to someone you trust to not mock you or expose you.

Confide in someone who you believe will encourage you and support you in your fight against the addiction.

If you are in a serious relationship, it is advisable to talk to your partner.

Also, read, online and offline.

There are people who are just in the same situation with you and if you don’t reach out for help you might think you are alone.

The truth is you are never alone.


What prompts you?

What do you feel before it happens?

What’s happening around you that leads to it?

Observe what state your mind is in before you get into it.

Is it being bored, being alone, a type of music, sex scenes or just being horny? 

Becoming conscious of your addiction helps to recognise the flags that lead to it.

Then you can consciously fight against it.

4)          ENGAGEMENT

Be actively active.

You can’t afford to be passive or inactive.

Take steps to avoid your triggers.

Avoid being alone when possible.

When in gatherings, actively join conversations.

You might want to pull your phone out and retreat to your corner but don’t.

If it means leaving your phone at home or putting it far from you, do so!

This is a battle against your demons, you must win!


In simple terms, PRAYER IS THE KEY!

Don’t underestimate the power of prayer.

Whatever battle you face, take it to the Lord in prayer!

Remember, the power of will cannot be underestimated.

You can overcome if you set your mind to it.

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